Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Business
Neighbourly guide to personal finance

You might have survived the round of job cuts, and might even have found your workload doubling, though your pay has not.

But you still have an income. And with the holidays just ahead with its promise of a two-month break from lunch fees and transport costs for students, there is the promise of some relief.

And it might allow you to help that neighbour or a relative who did not survive the job cuts, but who still needs to pay for food and shelter.

No, you are not obligated to help, or get involved, but if you are inclined, here are some suggestions:

1. Do query why your neighbour no longer leaves home in the morning. Feel free to collect his or her résumé and distribute to those who you think might have a job opening.

2. Do not turn down every request for help because of the suspicion that you are being exploited.

3. Do not encourage your unemployed neighbour into risky investment schemes or small-business projects.

4. Do give in to the impulse of paying for children with unemployed parents to participate in summer programmes where they will be fed and gainfully occupied.

5. Do offer employment in the form of gardening, chauffeuring, or any other service which you are able to pay for. Useful work for pay will improve the self-esteem of those affected by unemployment.

6. Do keep tabs on unemployed friends to ensure that they are eating and that they have money to attend job interviews.

7. Do spend time talking to those you know have lost their jobs. Maybe they need no more from you than a word of encouragement.

8. Do consider allowing an unemployed friend accommodation in your extra bedroom until he or she finds a job again.

Do not be afraid

9. Do not be afraid to ask your unemployed friend if he or she needs help of any kind. Your sincere query may well melt any feelings of bruised pride.

10. Do persevere in helping your neighbour with cash, kind or encouragement until he or she is back on his or her feet again. Work out what unnecessary purchases you can personally give up in order to execute this project.

The profit to be earned is peace of mind, on which there is no price.


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