Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Sport
Reds suspend keeper
LIVERPOOL, England (AP):

Liverpool has suspended backup goalkeeper Charles Itandje for 14 days after TV footage appeared to show him laughing during Wednesday's memorial service for the 96 victims of the Hillsborough tragedy.

The 26-year-old French goalkeeper apologised yesterday for his behaviour and said he did not intend to disrespect the victims who died at the FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Sheffield's Hillsborough stadium on April 15, 1989.

Liverpool held the memorial service at Anfield on Wednesday, the 20th anniversary of the tragedy, and fans who saw the TV footage of Itandje apparently laughing and joking called the behaviour disrespectful and insensitive. Richie Pedder, chairman of the LFC supporters' club, said the player's actions were inappropriate.

"I don't think he will still be at the club come the summer," he said.

The club issued a statement yesterday saying the Reds had suspended him for 14 days while they investigate the incident.

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