Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : News
JTI stages business formalisation workshop
JAMAICA TRADE and Invest's (JTI) Export Centre and Business Information Point (EC/BIP) facility, in association with the Companies Office of Jamaica (COJ) and the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO), will stage a workshop on 'Business Formalisation Guidelines, Tuesday, April 21, at JTI's offices, Trafalgar Road, St Andrew.

The workshop aims to provide participants with the opportunity to learn the processes involved in registering a company or business, and their attendant intellectual properties.


The workshop is being presented as part of the EC/BIP's objectives to assist potential and established exporters to access standardised and value-added business information that will empower entrepreneurs and firms to increase their performance and profitability.

Topics to be covered during the workshop include: How to register/renew a business name; what is a cooperative; what does a trade mark do; and, intellectual property: its benefit to a business.

The workshop's staging coincides with the JIPO's Intellectual Property Week celebrations, between April 20 and 26, which is being observed under the theme 'Creativity: Protect. Collect. Respect!'

Participants at the workshop will be afforded the opportunity to interface with intellectual-property attorneys and practitioners regarding innovations in business-registration practices and benefits.

Activities get under way at 8:30 a.m. and will run through to midday. Interested persons are invited to register online at www.ecbip.com or via email to ecbip@jti.org.jm.

$26.17 million project

The EC/BIP is one of 12 components of the Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP) - a $26.17 million project aimed at contributing to the facilitation of employment creation and an enhanced quality of life for all Jamaicans. A five-year project, jointly financed by the European Union and the Government of Jamaica, the PSDP comes to an end in December.

Currently, the EC/BIP has 13 satellite locations islandwide, which are operated through the Jamaica Business Development Corporation, the Jamaica Ex-porters' Association and JTI.


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