Pride after the fall
In the Health section of the April 7, 2009 edition of The New York Times, Benedict Carey wrote an article titled 'When all you have left is your pride'.This article analysed the impact of the economic downturn on self-concept and the unique survival...
Most graduates find decent jobs - UWI study
The following article was submitted by Office of Planning & Institutional Research, The University of the West Indies, Mona.Recent calls for a national tracer study to determine what happens to tertiary education graduates in the year after the...
Obama as Europe's president
When American President Barack Obama recently admitted in France - of all places - that America had in the past acted with arrogance and that America needed to listen more, American right-wing pundits were furious.Sean Hannity was fuming on Fox at the...
Education and Ja's social experiment
Patrick Robinson's study of Jamaica's athletics achievements Jamaican Athletics: A Model for the 2012 Olympics, 2009, Arnold Bertram's study of a history of Jamaica's cricket Jamaica at the Wicket, 2009, and Delano Franklyn's forthcoming book to be...
Belafonte's trailblazing celebrity diplomacy
As President Obama's recent European tour showed, public diplomacy is where the action is in international affairs today - leaders and public officials reach out directly to citizens, so that the latter influence governments.
An unstimulating stimulus
At the end of last year the Jamaican Government introduced a stimulus package which by and large won the approval of the business community.
Building hope through housing
Jamaican housing is stratified. Uptown erects gated communities while downtown erects settlements at the gates. Some settlers provide valuable services to the gated, while others, marginalised by lack of skills and, motivated by a...