Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Entertainment
Selassie, Garvey and family

Ken Boothe points to a group picture he is in at 19 years old. - Photo by Mel Cooke

While images of people in the music business dominate Ken Boothe's home photo museum, there are quite a few which have no direct connection to drum and bass.

So, there are family pictures, including many of Boothe's wedding day. He points out that Father Sherlock performed his wedding ceremony at 92 years old. "He became a saint before he died," Boothe said about Father Sherlock. "Whatever money people gave him he gave it to Boys' Town."

Images of His Imperial Majesty (HIM) Haile Selassie are on the walls of the covered area which leads from the main gate to the front door, along with excerpts from some of his speeches. On the left, one of those quotations says, "We in Ethiopia have one of the oldest versions of the Bible." There is also his speech on human rights from 1955, as well as images of HIM in England and a story about his visit to Jamaica.

Guide book

"In my house, he's first," Boothe said about Haile Selassie. He also pointed out that while some would dismiss the Bible, "it is a good guide book. You can find truth in it for yourself. You can find truth for yourself by reading the Bible".

So a copy of the Ten Commandments is on the wall as well.

Boothe said, "When you call somebody God it becomes a conflict," adding that he learns from the Muslim, the Christian and many others. "HIM said not to quarrel over religion," Boothe said.

Marcus Garvey is also well represented and Boothe said, "Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X and all those great messengers, His Imperial Majesty is the head of all that."

Still, it is not a matter of race, as Boothe said "colour is not the answer. No matter the colour, we are all human beings."

- Mel Cooke

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