Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Commentary

Beware of the treadmill, Mr Golding
In another dispensation, prior to his return to the Jamaica Labour Party and his assumption of its leadership, Bruce Golding gave the distinct impression that his quest for the prime ministership of Jamaica...

PUBLIC AFFAIRS: The contractor general's error O
There has been a great deal of public comment and speculation with regard to the deal which included the 'sale' of Air Jamaica's Heathrow slot pair. The Office of the Contractor General (OCG) has recently tabled a report on this transaction in Parliament. - O.K. Melhado

Shred the budget
Prime Minister Bruce Golding has announced that the Government is kicking some state agencies off the Budget. - Martin Henry

A crisis requiring compromise
Jamaica's chronic indebtedness will again overshadow all other factors as public attention turns to the crucial issues of how the national Budget for 2009-2010 is to be financed and public expenditure allocated. - Dennis Morrison

Martin's stab at Lady Saw
Martin Henry has forced me back into the bloody daggering debate. In his column last Sunday, 'Culture, Liberation and Fertility Rituals', he vigorously tried to stab to pieces the meat of my argument in an essay on Lady Saw published in Jamaica... - Carolyn Cooper

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