Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Business

Serious shortage of civil engineers
Omar Sweeney, secretary of the Jamaica Institution of Engineers (JIE) says there is a "serious void" in the job market for civil engineers.The situation is worsened annually, he claims, by the fact that the only school that...

Tax department launches itscustomer centres
The tax department has launched a call centre for taxpayers and a unit catering to big businesses in response to the increased demand for tax information and speedier turnaround on transactionsThe customer-care...

Dreaming of opening a nursery
QUESTION: I was reading The Sunday Gleaner and saw where you offered advice to people who want to start their own small business.I am interested in starting my own day care.

Planning early for retirement
I am a 33-year-old young woman who is employed part-time as a lecturer. Could you guide me on how to plan wisely for my retirement from now?

Filling the hole in your budget - 16 ways to make extra $1,000 daily
If there is a hole in your monthly budget, there are several ways in which you can plug this deficit with income-earning activities which involve assessing the needs of those around you and...

BANK CREDIT: Corporate credit cards are mostly cheaper
There are six corporate or business credit cards on the market issued by Jamaican banks, often at a more favourable rate than for personal or consumer credit.The amounts or credit limits on the cards vary...

Become a realist before retirement - Three pensioners tell their secrets
If you think that money you put aside each week or month is intended more to put long-term money - represented by your savings - into the kitty of insurance companies, banks and brokerage...

Unstoppable change in the balance of power
As this is being written, the Fifth Summit of the Americas is about to begin in Trinidad.

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