Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 5, 2009
Home : Lead Stories

SHOW ME THE MONEY - Government faces a $29b budget shortfall
DAYS BEFORE the Government presents the 2009-2010 Estimates of Expenditure, there is no final word on how the administration will finance an expected $29 billion increase in the public sector wage bill.

JTA gives Government grace period
The island's teachers say they are considering holding off on some payments due to them in order to give Government some breathing space for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. This follows Government's announcement Friday that it would not be able to afford the wage bill for the upcoming financial year.

Hospitality blooms at Easter
A NUMBER of the island's resorts have stepped up their local marketing thrust aiming to entice Jamaican families to 'getaway' this Easter weekend, April 10-13, and experience the best of Jamaica at their properties.

Caribbean can expect US lifeline
JAMAICA AND other countries in the Caribbean experiencing severe budgetary constraints can expect to receive a lifeline from the deliberations at the upcoming Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago, according to a top United States (US) official.

Ready for an earful - Hansard scribes craft history in record time
SEATED SOUTH of the Speaker's chair in a gallery reserved for Hansard writers, her fingers write proficiently as she demonstrates her stenographic craft, recording valuable parliamentary history. It's a job she has done for the last 23 years in Gordon House, and extensive experience in the profession has made her a stickler for precision.

'PM's organ bank plan not possible'
THE TECHNOLOGY that would make it possible for Prime Minister Bruce Golding to establish an organ bank in Jamaica does not exist, says one of the island's leading urologists.

Implications of an organ bank for Jamaica
This intriguing possibility of an organ bank in Jamaica has medical, moral, ethical, religious, cultural as well as legal considerations, in Jamaica's cultural context.

All grown up!
THEN, she studied words to confound spellmasters. Now, she is weaving them together to convince judges. Although the jury is out on her future, lawyer-in-training Jody-Anne Maxwell is taking love, career and life in stride.

Building Bridges - Former restaurateur creates niche market
'REUSE', 'RECYCLE', 'reduce' are pet words that Patricia Isaacs employs on her 300-plus acres farm in the cool valley of Claremont, St Ann. The only producer of baby corn in Jamaica, Isaacs, a former restaurateur, has created a niche market for herself, supplying hotels and restaurants.

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