Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009
Home : Arts &Leisure

Delroy Anderson - Painting his way to a better life
He sits on a turned-over bucket on the narrow sidewalk that runs along Olivier Road in St Andrew. Cars, buses and even large trucks whiz closely by as he focuses on the task in front of him. He grasps his paintbrush with intensity in his eyes and strokes the easel like a surgeon making a life-impacting incision.

Literary Arts - Oh, for a Razr!
Andrew was pursued most of his adult life by demanding and controlling women, who took advantage of his kindness and quiet demeanour. To please them, he gave his heart, body and money. As soon as he found one he thought he could set up house with, she turned out to be materialistic. Yet, he always found a way to escape from her clutches.

Parenting with Obama in mind
First-time author Taniesha Burke said recently that she hoped her book, Raising the Next Barack Obama: A Guide on How to Develop Core Principles for Success in Your Child, would serve as a template for inspirational child rearing.

Out of many, one people
The following is an excerpt from Yvonne Coke's book Perspectives from the Jamaican MAP, 'A way of life for Jamaica'. Coke is founder of Hands Across Jamaica for Righteousness.

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