Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | February 8, 2009
Home : Arts &Leisure
Out of many, one people

The following is an excerpt from Yvonne Coke's book Perspectives from the Jamaican MAP, 'A way of life for Jamaica'. Coke is founder of Hands Across Jamaica for Righteousness. The book, which is available at bookstores islandwide, examines the words of the national motto, anthem and pledge and uses them to develop a framework for what she believes is the direction in which the country should be going.


A perspective from Jamaica's National Motto 'Out Of Many, One People'.

The National Motto of Jamaica is a categorical statement of unity, which raises a standard of righteousness that directs, corrects and protects the soul of our nation against any power that seeks to divide the nation from its God-ordained purpose. Emerging out of slavery and colonialism, where the division into class and race distorted God's image in humanity and devalued every human being in its allocation of either superior or inferior status, this motto is a singularly powerful declaration of the principles of unity that seek to strengthen the national resolve in fulfillment of our divine purpose.

True unity

This act of becoming one, demands of Jamaica's people true unity, which is born out of common union or common agreement as to the purpose and destiny of the nation. Fed by the knowledge of this purpose and destiny of an enlightened people, this oneness cannot be expected to emerge without the high cost of self-denial. Self-denial which produces self-control or restraint. The vision of a purposefully united Jamaica, vibrant with abundant life, can only be attained by eating of the fruit of self-control.

For, to those who are self-controlled is accorded the blessings of an abundant life. It requires a spirit of humility in the approach to receiving the spirit of forgiveness from and reconciliation to our Eternal Father, forgiveness from God for our sins against Him and for those who have wronged us, and forgiveness from those whom we have wronged, in order to effect any agreement with God.

Confession and forgiveness

This unity of 'Out Of Many, One People' is available to the Jamaican people through the legitimate pain of confession and forgiveness, which is the courageous and daring path of truth for both the healing and the healed, thus giving us the authentic ability to speak with one voice, the language of the healed, the language which is peace.

The Jamaican is called upon at all times to take the initiative, even at cost, to forge healing individually, nationally and internationally, because of the driving force of this national motto towards unity.

It is our purpose to become a totally united nation to fulfill our duty. A voice such as Right Excellent Marcus Garvey foresaw before Independence in what he described as a "conference of humanity".

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