Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Letters
... Sabbath not a straitjacket

The ill-fated market truck being removed from the river bed in Fellowship, Portland, last Saturday. - Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer

The Editor, Sir:

Many erroneous views concerning work and the Sabbath continue, which Sabbath-observing churches have not clarified to the benefit of a derisive public. So, naysayers continue to believe that the best piece of clothing to be worn on the Sabbath is a straitjacket that restricts movement, and prevents any form of activity or work.

The Sunday Gleaner article captioned, 'I had to respond', by Daraine Luton, in which Eric Spence tells how he broke his Sabbath to save a life is regrettable and sends the exact message of those who ridicule and would have nothing to do with what they consider religious bondage and legalism.

The Sabbath Day rest is ceasing from the things normally done during the week bringing distinction and differentiation to the day, a day when we do not work for wages or rewards. But, it is a time to work by doing good which was what Spence did at the scene of the Portland accident, last Friday night.

The Pharisees perpetually hounded and accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath when he healed the many sick that came to him. On one occasion he responded, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" The detractors knew that answer, but they held their peace, Mark 3:4 says.

Eric Spence saved a life last Friday night. He did not break the Sabbath as he unfortunately thought. He indeed carried out one of the lawful intent and purpose of the Sabbath.

I am, etc.,



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