Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Entertainment
Something extra

Minister of Finance and the Public Service Audley Shaw (right) and Edward Chin-Mook, president of the Small Business Association of Jamaica (SBAJ), share a joke with Erica Chin-Mook at the SBAJ's banquet, held at the Hilton Kingston hotel, New Kingston, on December 19. - JIS photo

It's time for giving, partying and having a grand time because in a few days it will all be over.

Dr John Josephs and his wife, Janine, help to get the dancing started at the Jamaica Trade and Invest's end-of-year party last Thursday. - Peta-Gaye Clachar/Staff Photographer

Professor Gordon Shirley (second left), principal of the University of the West Indies, Mona campus, with scholarship awardees Noelle Hoskins (left), Dawna Jones (centre), Aieka Smith (second right) and Shawna-Kay McLarty. They were at the university's award of the 60th anniversary Mona scholarships, held in the Council Room, UWI, Mona campus, on Monday, December 22. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

It was an early Christmas treat for more than 140 children at the National Commercial Bank's Early Childhood Development Centre recently. Dennis Cohen (background), deputy group managing director, and Rickert Allen, senior general manager, Group Human Resources Division, donned royal blue Santa hats while bearing gifts for the little ones. Little Brianna Hamilton looks up at Cohen while Giovanni Hepburn accepts his gift from Allen. Also in photograph are David Rowe and Gabrielle Thomas. - Contributed

Jillian Grandison, Miss Jamaica UK, signs her 2009 charity calendar for a fan at the celebration party held recently in her honour at Sebastian's Wine Bar in London, England. Part proceeds will be given to the Jamaica Early Childhood Education Development Foundation. - Contributed.

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