Avia Collinder, Sunday Gleaner Writer
IN THE island's public hospitals, including Victoria Jubilee in Kingston, delivery services are free. If one walks through the doors with a referral, one will not pay for antenatal care, doctors' fees, the paediatrician, a Caesarean section (C-section), or any tests to be done, including ultrasounds.
At the islands' private hospitals, fees, including the charge made by doctors in attendance, can leave parents out of pocket by as much as $160,000.
But, the service is said to be a cut above the rest, with some facilities promising personalised service, gift baskets and even a photo-shoot afterwards with baby and mom.
Ann-Shauna Greenfrom Kingston paid a total of $120,000 for the birth of her first child in 2005, and in 2007, $165,000 for the second.
Today, the cost might be higher. Our research shows that doctors' fees in December 2008 range from $30,000-$135,000, a sum which does not include hospital charges, which start from $40,000 upwards in private facilities.
On both occasions, the costs for Ann-Shauna Green included the price of a C-section.
She explains, "I had to do a C-section because I had fibroids and the second time I had to do a C-section because I did a C-section the first."
Green selected Andrews Memorial Hospital she said, because her doctor worked there and also because she did not know she had to register months in advance to get into a public hospital.
For both deliveries, the couple used insurance, which helped them to cover about 70 per cent of the costs.
Little things
Green claims: "I was appalled at the cost of little things, like needles and bed sheets, that the hospital billed us for. It was outrageous! I had to shut my eyes and pay it or I wouldn't have been able to get my child registered."
To have a child delivered at Andrews Hospital, currently, one has to register in the seventh month and pay a deposit of $45,000. The final bill, which might be between $55,000 and $60,000, will depend on materials used and length of stay in the hospital
These charges do not include the fee for C-sections, the doctors' bills, the paediatrician's bill, and any additional tests done.
The paediatrician's fee is $4,500 per visit at Andrews. The cost of a private room at the hospital is $8,000 daily. For a semi-private room in which there are two persons, mothers will pay $7,000.
Hospital stay might be as much as three days to a week if there is a C-section done or if other complications arise.
University Hospital
At the University Hospital of The West Indies (UHWI) in St Andrew, which is not classified as a public hospital, those using the public clinic for delivery will pay $12,000 and up for a normal delivery. This includes antenatal care, plus one night's stay at the hospital. The mother's booking fee or deposit will be $10,000.
The cost of doing a C-section at the training hospital is $30,000. A deposit of $15,000 is required for this operation.
If one needs additional tests or needs drugs, the bill will go up. The UHWI charges $1,200 for one day's room and board, a cost which will be multiplied if a C-section is done or if complications set in and the mother's stay needs to be longer.
Private-birthing services are also offered at the UHWI. For this, the cost of antenatal care is $30,000. An ultrasound will cost $3,500. There are no private rooms at this hospital but the private fee ensures that you are assigned the doctor of your choice. Those who use the public clinic will be seen by any doctors available.
Nuttall Memorial Hospital in St Andrew also offers private-birthing facilities. A deposit of $40,000 is required at this hospital.
The cost of a C-section here is $120,000 without insurance. For normal deliveries, the hospital bill otherwise might be as high as $60,000, depending on medication, room and board and the use of disposables.
The cost of room and board at Nuttall is $6,500 per night. If your doctor does not work at Nuttall, you will be assigned to one who does.
At Nuttall, the paediatrician's fee is $15,000 upwards, which is different from the doctor's delivery fee. To use services at Nuttall, one must book delivery by the seventh month of pregnancy.
Name changed.