Right time for change
There is a time for everything, when all the coordinates and variables come together in a favourable position. When that happens it is time for action.
Capital punishment and human rights
Now that the politicians have finished their debate on capital punishment, the serious philosophical debate on the issue can proceed. And we can now lift the debate outside the narrow confines of the Jamaican context and look at some overarching issues.
Crisis at Christmas
Week after week since October workers in the sugar industry have been waiting for their redundancy pay, which amounts to a substantial $3 billion. They still don't know if they will get their money for Christmas.
Mayhem in Mumbai
The view from the sixth floor suites at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai is breathtaking. At sunrise, looking out on the Arabian Sea, one can see the majestic Gateway of India on the left, the red sun emerging across the bay, and boats of all colours coming into harbour, while the crowds start to gather on the street below.
The cult of the patriarch
Recently, I was away from Jamaica for a period of five weeks. During this time, I routinely read the local newspapers on the Internet, and there was no day that I found a positive note on the situation of women and children in the land of my birth.
Telecoms: allow number portability
United States President-elect Barack Obama blames the policies of deregulation for his country's financial meltdown. He claims that banks and oil companies have been allowed to conduct their businesses virtually unfettered by state decrees. It appears that there is some mistaken belief in self-regulation as a by-product of competition.
Where are our children?
The information released by the Constabulary Communication Network last month was shocking. Seven hundred and twenty-three children missing! Two were found dead - mutilated. Since that report, the news has indicated that more children are being reported missing.