Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 30, 2008
Home : What's Cooking
Mac's Chop House - exceeding expectations

At Mac's Chop House, the steak dish is one of, if not the most popular meal, says Mario Machado, owner of the restaurant

Following the trend of previous years, Mac's Chop House is again fully booked for The Gleaner-sponsored Kingston Restaurant Week (KRW). Owner/manager , Mario Machado, says the response since the launch of KRW has been fantastic. "We are fully booked and this was the case from the day of the launch".

Those lucky diners, Machado says can expect an exceptional service and experience. "The usual top-of-the-line cuisine and service will be provided in meals that are on the regular menu so customers will get samples of some of the regular items for much less".

Great consideration was given in selecting the menu items and at the forefront of this was pleasing the customers. "Here we specialise in steak and seafood and on the menu we have our popular steak. Seafood is quite popular and so we have a shrimp dish. Lobster is in season now so we will also have lovely fresh lobster. We are also carrying chicken for those who don't eat seafood, and we also have things for vegetarians. A very interesting and good mix".

Mac's Chop House has always received favourable reviews from customers during KRW and the week for Machado is a public relations week. "Kingston Restaurant Week is like a public relations event and while the financial outcome is not that significant, it is the unmeasured benefits that count. That is why we have been willing participants for the past four years".

For this KRW, indulge in the offerings of Mac's Chop House and enjoy their exceptional dishes in a superb package.

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