Despite being consumed all year round, the egg has a special place in the Jamaican diet at Christmas. From the main dish at breakfast to dessert, following the elaborate Christmas dinner, eggs have traditionally taken pride of place in Jamaican cooking during the festive season.
It is not unusual to find that in many homes, recipes for egg custards and sauces, Christmas cakes, puddings, eggnogs and other drinks, while jealously guarded at other times, are eagerly unearthed and delicious concoctions served up to family and friends during the holiday season.
The sound of blenders and mixtures keep the spirits buzzing as batters are mixed and frothy beverages combined to delight the senses of taste and smell and please any palate.
This Christmas, spread some joy. Revive the tradition of the delicious Jamaican eggnog. It will not only provide energy, nutrition and goodness in a glass, but will also bring back memories of an old Jamaican Christmas.
'Tis the season for eggs!
Carrot Eggnog
1 cup carrot juice
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup cow's milk
Sugar to taste
1/4 cup rum (optional)
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
Dash of Angostura bitters (optional)
Combine carrot juice, egg, milk, sugar and rum. Mix well in a blender. Add nutmeg and bitters. Serve over cracked ice.
When Egg Meets 'Stout'
21/2 cups carrot juice
21/2 cups water
1/2 cup stout
1 egg
1/2 cup condensed milk
Combine all ingredients and sweeten to taste with condensed milk. Serve over cracked ice.
Serves six.
(Recipes courtesy of Dr Heather Little-White)
12 eggs, separated
6 cups milk
2 cups heavy/thickened cream
2 cups bourbon
11/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup brandy
2 tsps ground nutmeg
1. In a large bowl, and using a mixer, beat the egg yolks together with the sugar for 10 minutes (you want the mixture to be firm and the colour of butter).
2. Very slowly, add the bourbon and brandy - just a little at a time.
3. When bourbon and brandy have been added, allow the mixture to cool in the fridge (for up to six hours).
4. About 30 minutes before serving, stir the milk into the chilled yolk mixture.
5. Stir in ground nutmeg.
6. In a separate bowl, beat the cream with a mixer on high speed until it forms stiff peaks.
7. Beat eggs in bowl, until egg whites form stiff peaks.
8. Gently fold the egg white mixture into the egg yolk mixture.
9. Gently fold the cream into the egg mixture.
10. After ladling into cups, garnish with the remainder of the ground nutmeg and enjoy
Serves eight.
Recipe courtesy of :