Titchfield High School recently opened the doors to its newly upgraded computer and library centre in the presence of students, teachers, past students and members of the Port Antonio, Portland, community.
The project, which was funded by the National Commercial Bank (NCB) Foundation, began in 2007 and will benefit the school's population of 1,900 students. The new upgrades to the centre include an additional 12 computers, chairs, tables and bookshelves.
"For many years, not many persons were satisfied with the facility we had as a library," said Richard Thompson, principal of Titchfield High School. "One such dissatisfied person was Mrs Ivy McKenzie, our late principal. She spoke glowingly of a comfortable, spacious environment for her students to do research, with information available at their fingertips."
Improved facility
Keeping this dream in mind, Thompson stated, "With the support of our board and hard-working librarian, Ms Daviene Burke, and staff, a proposal was done to guide the improvement process. As a direct result of this, our students now enjoy a significantly improved facility equipped with air conditioning, soft, comfortable chairs and Internet-ready computers thanks to the NCB Foundation."
He added that this improvement could not have come at a more opportune time when the whole culture of Titchfield has been taking on a more positive outlook.
"Our students have never been more focused and our teachers have never been more determined. Our students' academic performance has seen steady improvements in recent years, and this recent, positive addition will most certainly ensure even greater successes in the near future."
Maxine McKenzie, manager of NCB Port Antonio, encouraged the students, telling them that they are "indeed special to us at NCB".
She added: "You have been given an opportunity to use the tools that have been provided for you. It is now up to you to take advantage and be the best that you can be."