Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | November 2, 2009
Home : News
The Family Court Attendance Centre

A bright 15-year-old girl committed an illegal offence and was placed before the Kingston and St Andrew Family Court. She is currently serving a three-year probation order. The Resident Magistrate recommended her to the Family Court Attendance Centre. However, Karen's mother does not know much about the Family Court Attendance Centre and wants additional information on the institution before she sends her daughter there.

What is the Family Court Attendance Centre?

The Family Court Attendance Centre is an agency of the Ministry of Justice, under direct supervision of the Kingston and St Andrew Family Court.

The Family Court Attendance Centre was established in 1978 as a non-residential, rehabilitation institution and was designed to provide continuing education for young people ages 12-17 years who have been through the Family Court and are not able to fit into the normal school system due to social and behavioural problems. Currently, there are some 45 students enrolled at the institution.

What are the programmes offered?

A multifaceted programme is offered at the Centre:

1. Academic: The programme is designed to help students who have dropped out of the regular education system and need to be assisted to maintain and achieve a certain level of literacy and numeracy.

2. Counselling: A varied programme of individual and group therapy is provided by a full-time guidance counsellor and is geared towards the treatment of anti-social behaviour and social functioning. The role of the counsellor extends beyond the scope of the Centre as there is constant need to ensure that follow-up case work is done.

3. Regular educational system placing: Students who demonstrate modified behaviour patterns are reintroduced into the high school system. Others are assisted in gaining entry into agencies, such as Heart Trust/NTA and the National Youth Service Programme.

4. Feeding programme: The Centre offers a subsidised feeding programme which provides a cooked and nutritious meal, daily.

5. Referrals: Once the children enter the the institution they are assessed. Referrals are then made based on the detection of different problems. They may be referred to the Child Development Agency, The Detoxification Unit (UWI) or the Police Community Relations Department, etc.

6. Skills training: Needlework and woodwork are offered to equip students with practical skills for job placement or to prepare for entry into the programmes offered at agencies such as Heart Trust/NTA.

Who may attend?

Any student between the ages of 12 and 17 years who is not able to fit into a regular school because of disciplinary problems or those who have been referred by the Family Court, the Child Development Agency or the Probation Office.

Are extra-curricular activities offered atthe Centre?

Regular trips are organised for the students. They are taken to places in rural Jamaica, as well as interesting sites and institutions in Kingston and St Andrew.

Where to locate the Centre

The Attendance Centre is located at 79 Duke Street (adjacent the National Heritage Trust building). It shares offices with the Kingston Coroner's Court and is on the first floor. The phone numbers are 922-4441 or 922-4713.

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