Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | November 2, 2009
Home : Commentary

Hats off to Buju

I do not agree with violent attacks on any person, no matter what his or her sexual practices are, but I lift my hat to Buju Banton for speaking out against what society is now embracing as normal, and those trying to force it on us whether we like it or not. It's amazing how we get condemned if we speak out against homosexual practices. They rally support for it so why can't we have our right to speak out against it. Do we still have the right of freedom of speech?

If the watchman sees the danger and does not blow the warning, then people will perish. We are not telling people in other countries what to do, we just don't want homosexual practices in Jamaica. So, why can't we speak out against it without being condemned?

We have enough problems in Jamaica without adding to it.

E. James




Why this hogwash about doctors getting paid for overtime? They are saving the lives of victims of shootings by the hoodlums.

Your government should be taming the gunmen who are wreaking havoc on the society. Can't the fools see the problem that would be created without the hard-working doctors? There would be an increase in the loss of lives.

Dr Bob Walters


Don't begrudge doctors

While your Sunday article talked about the amount of money being paid to doctors for overtime, if they are allowed to work just eight hours per day, they would not be able to survive. Relative to other professionals, such as lawyers in the government service, junior doctors in particular are poorly paid. The other payments help to make life more liveable for them.

You should conduct research to look at the basic salary of doctors and compare it to that of other professionals who have to undergo training for a similar period in order to practise.

Although the country trains hundreds of doctors, many leave the system after a while to go overseas. Part of that is because of the level of salaries paid to them.

I had a relative who worked as a junior doctor and I made more money than she did. There are hundreds of bureaucratic consultants in the government service who provide questionable service yet make several times more than the doctors who provide a much-needed essential service.

Maria Walker


Christ Church


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