Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | July 31, 2009
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HAPPY 100th, Horatio!

Helping the great man Atphel Horatio James (centre) to cut his birthday cake are Nadja James and Marvin James. - photos by Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

HAPPY 100TH Horatio!On Tuesday night, family and friends gathered at the Police Officers' Club on Hope Road in St Andrew, at a dinner in honour of centenarian Atphel Horatio James. Here are highlights.

'Keep going dad', maybe Wylton James' (right) advice for his father Atphel Horatio James, who was celebrating his birthday

The man of the moment, centenarian Atphel Horatio James, gets a double hug from Junie (centre) and Darnell Murray at the dinner held at the Police Officers' Club, Hope Road on Tuesday.

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