Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | July 31, 2009
Home : Letters
What of Port Royal plans?
The Editor, Sir:

The historic but now relatively sleepy town of Port Royal has had on the drawing board for some years now a development plan aimed at transforming it into a world-class heritage and cultural mecca. Sadly, this brilliant concept has failed to move beyond a mere idea because of the lack of serious investment interest and commitment.

The Jamaica Labour Party announced in its 2007 election manifesto plans to develop Port Royal as a duty-free centre and a cruise ship port, taking into consideration its rich history. Those plans for Port Royal form part of a wider plan to redevelop downtown Kingston.

Consideration was given to the construction of an overhead and possibly tolled bridge - as an alternative to the Palisadoes main road - linking the Norman Manley International Airport and Port Royal to downtown Kingston. However, nothing further has been said or heard of this in recent times.

Sustainable economic development

It was my hope that the once-labelled 'Wickedest City on Earth' would have been the ideal location to introduce casino gaming in Jamaica. Accompanying the casinos would be a theme park akin to Disney, in addition to museums and other entertainment offerings, including water sports activities, such as diving and undersea excursion.

Every effort must be made to develop Port Royal, which should form a critical part of the effort to secure sustainable economic development for Jamaica. To this end, it is essential that the Government, the Opposition, the private sector/investor interests, and the residents of Port Royal commit themselves to getting this once-vibrant city back to life.

There is too much that can be gained from the development of the Port Royal/downtown Kingston corridor for us to continue with the pussyfooting. And, despite the global economic downturn, opportunities can still be had, and should be embraced, to move this project forward.

I am, etc.,



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