Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | July 31, 2009
Home : Letters
Bus drivers and cellphones
The Editor, Sir:

I would like to ask the Jamaica Urban Transit Company to state publicly its policy with regard to the use of cellphones by their drivers while on duty. I ask this because of the frequency with which I now see drivers using cellphones while on duty.

A few days ago, for example, I saw a driver behind the wheel of a bus driving down Red Hills Road with his cellphone to his right ear and a huge grin on his face. From his demeanour it was reasonable to assume that he was not making an emergency work-related call. This should not happen.

Warning signal

There was a news story recently of a serious rail accident taking place because a train engineer was sending text messages while on duty and missed a critical warning signal. Let us not wait for a serious accident to happen before we take drastic action against bus drivers who are using cellphones while on duty.

I am, etc.,



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