Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | July 31, 2009
Home : Letters
The disgrace of Hellshire Beach
The Editor, Sir:

I must support the arguments made by letter writer Marlon Hill in the July 19 issue of The Sunday Gleaner regarding the poor state of Hellshire Beach and take this opportunity to express my own concerns.

It has been my observation that users of the beach are left without proper sanitary provisions, although this should be a basic requirement of the public health authorities. In recent times, the Lime Cay destination was temporarily closed for this same reason. I now call on the relevant authorities to examine the state of Hellshire Beach as it is in a far worse condition. Without the option of Fort Clarence Beach, beach lovers, like me, would always be subject to this less-than-acceptable facility.

Additionally, there are numerous private dwellings on the beach without proper sewerage systems which can unquestionably be a threat to health. This is compounded by the bathing of horses in the water and they no doubt are allowed to relieve themselves in same.

Lack of security

The lack of security poses a threat to all users and there is no consolation in the fact that various illegal activities are sometimes conducted there.

I strongly suggest that the Urban Development Corporation, along with various interest groups, revisit this location with a view to transforming it along with Fort Clarence Beach into one 'beach park' suitable for the entire family. I would be willing to pay my dollar to enjoy a facility with water slides, football, volleyball and not to mention the reason for which it is renowned - the food.

A beach park would directly benefit the business community of Portmore. Since it services the neighbouring parishes of Kingston, St Andrew, Clarendon and St Thomas, an increased number of patrons to the beach park would support other commercial entities during their visit. This could only mean an increase in revenue for those businesses.

I, therefore, challenge the mayor of Portmore and the various interest groups to join in addressing these issues expeditiously. In the words of a famous writer, "We need to cultivate civic virtues, enhance the observance of public order, upgrade the level of service and strive to bring about a new social environment."

I am, etc.,



St Catherine

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