'A skill me use and live'- Massive reduction in remittances forces several Jamaicans to develop clever coping strategies
IT TAKES guts, grit and, wait for it...wit to survive the hardships spawned by the current economic crisis..
No comment from matron on Montague's verbal onslaught
Although admitting that the Port Antonio Infirmary in Portland is faced with many challenges, Matron Sharon Burke refused to comment on the verbal onslaught dealt to her by Minister Robert Montague early last week.
Government to use mined-out lands to ease poverty
THE GOVERNMENT is to rehabilitate mined-out lands to alleviate rural poverty, said Laurence Broderick, minister of state in the Ministry of Energy and Mining.In his contribution to the sectoral debate on Tuesday, July 21, the minister mentioned that...
JAMAICA tackles child pornography
JAMAICA FOR the first time now has legislation to deal with child pornography, placing the country firmly on the road to ratifying the last of two international conventions aimed at combating the mushrooming global problem.Passage of the far-reaching...
Sectoral Debate needs structure
PARLIAMENT'S UNWIELDY and egocentric approach to the annual Sectoral Debate has reduced what was once intended to be a forum for critical national dialogue to a session wasted by some...