Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | July 26, 2009
Home : Letters
LETTER OF THE DAY Did Herb Elliott 'misspeak'?
The Editor, Sir:

I read with alarm, the statement attributed to Dr Herb Elliott, a member of Jamaica's Anti-Doping Commission and also the International Association of Athletics, in respect of the 'positive' drug testing of some of our national athletes. Dr Elliott is reported as saying that nothing "major" is involved in the findings. In my opinion, as a member of both aforementioned bodies, Dr Elliott was irresponsible to make such a statement since he was not in a position to reveal the findings.

second occasion

This is the second occasion in which I have sensed that this gentleman has 'misspoke' in respect of our athletes. There were statements attributed to him in Beijing which could be described as intemperate, in defence of our athletes.

We have all been shocked at the revelations of the past day and should ensure that nothing is said by local officials to give the impression of trying to downplay the findings.

It is my opinion that Dr Herb Elliott, because of his pronouncements, is not a worthy representative to speak on behalf of our country.

I am, etc.,


Kingston 8

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