Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | July 26, 2009
Home : Business

UTech retools: New, market-driven programmes Introducing MBA in 'agro-preneurship'
The Kingston-based university is projecting a 20 per cent increase in student intake in the 2009/10 academic year.

Bank of Jamaica (BOJ cuts interest rate as T-Bill yield falls - Scotia follows suit
The Bank of Jamaica on Friday cut interest rates by one percentage point on all its open-market securities, a move that now more closely aligns the returns on its six-month tenor with the current performance of the benchmark treasury.

Is death by murder accidental to the victim?
Question: My son was shot near Cross Roads about two years ago.

Property management services in Jamaica - You get what you pay for
There is no shortage of firms offering property management services, a cursory review of the Yellow Pages reveals, but what would you get in return for...

Selling pizza - How to price your product
A male entrepreneur from Negril has come forward with the question of how to price the pizza which he oven bakes and sells in the resort town in Westmoreland.

Entertainment and your budget
How much of your salary should go to entertainment? Since you have experience, I was hoping you could give me some clues as to what you look out for.

Yahoo makeover
Yahoo Inc is sprucing up its website's home page with a long-promised makeover that is supposed to make it easier to see what's happening at the Internet's other hot spots.

UK travel tax a done deal But the fight ain't over
A few days ago Britain's finance bill received Royal assent and, in so doing, passed into law changes to Air Passenger Duty (APD).

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