Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | July 12, 2009
Home : Letters
The People's Business - Portmore parish status hangs in the balance


SOUTH EAST St Catherine Member of Parliament Colin Fagan has questioned the commitment of the Jamaica Labour Party administration to make Portmore Jamaica's fifteenth parish.

"Creating a new parish is more than just about making an announcement. It involves re-drawing boundaries and revisiting major legislation, such as the Town and Country Planning Act, the Local Improvements Act, and the Parish Council's Building Act," Fagan said Wednesday as he made his contribution to the Sectoral Debate in Parliament.

The Opposition MP, whose constituency is one of three in Portmore, said that the Government had done nothing to indicate that it intended to deliver on the promise.

Constituency boundaries

Checks by The Sunday Gleaner reveal that the review, currently under way, of constituency boun-daries, by the Electoral Commission of Jamaica does not pre-suppose that Portmore would be a parish.

The commission is currently reviewing the constituency sizes with a view to increasing the number from 60 to 63.

But while these unanswered questions remain, Fagan has called for the Government to speak to the people of Portmore on its proposal.

"We would like to know how the lives of the people of Portmore would be better by making Portmore a parish," Fagan said.

Portmore is the largest residential area in the Caribbean.


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