Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | July 12, 2009
Home : Business

Health insurance climbs - Costs driven up by falling dollar, inflation
Jamaica's biggest insurance companies, citing inflation, a weak dollar, and the rising cost of medical inputs, are charging more for health coverage, saying it is impractical for them to absorb all of the added cost of care.

No withdrawals allowed
First, let me say many thanks for the great advice you give in your column. Now, my question is related to optional contributions to a pension fund. I contribute an additional five per cent to my pension fund and I have found myself in a little financial difficulty at this time. Are my optional contributions available to me on request?

Insuring future health
How much health insurance you buy is constrained only by what you can afford. But there are only three insurers in the Jamaican market to choose from - Sagicor Life Jamaica, Guardian Life Limited and Scotia Jamaica Life Insurance Company Limited.

The cost of cancer care
Not only is cancer deadly, but it can also be financially debilitating, costing as much as $100,000 per month for hospice or palliative care. To afford care, the patient either needs to be rich, or insured.

How to execute a claim for loss of use
Question: I was in a motor-car accident on April 26, 2009. I was travelling in an easterly direction along Trafalgar Road towards New Kingston. On reaching Lord Nelson Way, I saw a motor vehicle in the turning lane waiting to go right across Trafalgar Road and into Lord Nelson Way. As I approached that vehicle, its driver drove out into the path of my vehicle and caused a collision.

Caribbean tourism hammered by recession - But what to do about it?
How should Caribbean governments seek to support tourism during a global recession? At a time of diminishing national reserves, this is a question set to haunt the industry, governments and the region as a whole, if, as seems probable, both public revenues and visitor arrivals continue to decline.

Health insurance - What your bosses negotiate
Inside the government service where salaries track well below private-sector pay, health insurance tends to be cheaper and pays better benefits. Some of the entitlements under public-sector schemes include a $1,600 per diem for hospital room and board, and a maximum of $16,000 per disability.

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