Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | July 2, 2009
Home : Letters
What about hard work?
The Editor, Sir:

What has happened to the concept of hard work, diligence and discipline equalling desired results and just rewards? What has happened to the fundamental human right of the freedom of choice?

Is the Ministry of Education saying that a child who has attained a favourable result, let's say an average ranging between 85 and 90 per cent in the examinations, will be placed at any school? Excluding the schools that were selected by the child's parents before the exams? What is the purpose of choosing high schools if you will be placed at any school by the ministry? Is the ministry attempting to use 'good' students to fix 'weak' secondary schools or a weak system? Can 'weak' students survive in an environment that is fast paced and has high achievers?

The attempt, resources and effort should be on developing the perceived 'weak' schools so that the students who have to be placed there will get better CXC results. This will change the perception by parents of the schools being 'not good'. This process is obviously not a quick fix and requires great courage and the will to create this change.

It will be a sad and dark day for a society when young developing minds can be sold the idea that no matter how poorly you perform you can be highly rewarded. The reverse of the coin is also important; great effort will get you exactly to the place where you have no desire to go.

I am, etc.,



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