Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | July 2, 2009
Home : Business
Fit and proper for gaming


THE GOVERNMENT is moving to ensure that only 'fit and proper' persons are granted licences, permit approval or authority to operate betting, gaming and lotteries in Jamaica.

Draft legislation to strengthen the regulatory framework governing betting and gaming in Jamaica was on Tuesday tabled in Parliament by Finance and the Public Service Minister Audley Shaw.

New legislation

The new legislation is designed to ensure that the conduct of gaming, betting and lotteries is free from criminal influence.

A number of recommendations have been made by the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission to the Government, to facilitate new gaming options and the means by which wagering can be effected.

The memorandum of objects and reasons of the bill stated that, with the introduction of the bet winnings tax on lottery winnings, many vendors and purchasers have migrated from the formal lottery system to the illegal market.

In this regard, it stated the proposed law was intended to provide for more effective regulation of the industry for the protection of stakeholders and consumers.

New regulatory regime

Under the new regulatory regime, minors or persons under the age of 18 years will not be allowed to participate in betting, gaming or lottery activities.

Other provisions in the proposed statute include the licensing of betting lounges and gaming lounges, the licensing of lottery agents, the days business can be conducted and operating hours of licensed premises, and the exemption of lottery winnings up to $15,000 from tax.

The bill also sets out the imposition of tax at the rate of 15 per cent of lottery winnings above $15,000.

Proposed penalties for breaching the law could amount to a maximum of $375,000.

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