Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | June 24, 2009
Home : Letters
Season of wasted time
The Editor, Sir:

In Jamaica, a very dangerous season is fast approaching and the repercussions of the disaster it will inflict will be felt for generations. I speak not of the hurricane season but rather of the season of wasted time, also known as summer vacation.

Annually, the dreadful GSAT and CXC results prove that there is much work that needs to be done to improve students' academic performances. Some progressive students, who can afford it, will attend summer school. Yet, for nearly two months, the majority of students will sit idly at home as the knowledge they managed to absorb in the previous year evaporates in the summer heat.

Intensive classes

I am not advocating the abolition of summer holidays but, in this significant space of time some intensive classes for students who will sit these majors exams in the following academic year should be organised by the government in conjunction with the various school administrations. If the government can spend over $10 million on a trip for local government officials to the Bahamas, then surely it can arrange to pay specialists, especially in traditionally weak areas such as math and English, to assist these students during the summer.

This will not be money wasted, but rather a critical investment in the future of this country. Bauxite was once considered a most precious resource in Jamaica, but the collapse of the industry clearly shows that this belief was misguided. The most precious resource we have in Jamaica is the minds of our people. Let us therefore use the time we have to develop them.

I am, etc.,



Kingston 8

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