Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | June 24, 2009
Home : Letters
Lauding a brilliant Jamaican


The Editor, Sir:

I WOULD like to congratulate Atlanta's Jamaican star, Elaine Bryan, for being the first and only Caribbean resident in this region to be selected to join the Georgia Sandy Spring's Leadership Programme.

Bryan graduated from this highly prestigious programme on Thursday, May 14, after she also received the Mayor Shirley Phoenix Award and the Judge Glenda Hatchett Mentor Award for her outstanding service in Georgia.


It was significant when our local TV station, Fox 5, featured her from The Lenox Mall, while she received her awards. In addition to all her outstanding honours and awards, Bryan has served thousands of Jamaicans in this region in her capacity as counsellor, where she has secured scholarships for numerous students from Jamaica .

It was important for me to inform other Jamaicans about this wonderful person, who is a Northwestern University Alumna, as I got to learn about her during interviews on my radio station morning show, WATB 1420. It would also be appropriate after she has been honoured and recognised by Americans, that the Jamaican officials do something to also honour Bryan publicly, so that other Jamaicans would be as proud of her achievements as I have been over the years. I know that my listeners are also proud of this phenomenal woman.

I am, etc.,


Decatur, USA

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