Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | June 18, 2009
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New telecoms policy too slow in coming - Paulwell


Opposition spokesman on telecommunications Phillip Paulwell says it has been taking the Bruce Golding administration too long to finalise a policy on a new telecommunications law to replace the antiquated statute now in existence.

Paulwell said Government had started work on a new telecommunications policy three years ago. He argued, however, that there was need to speedily address the burning issue of the establishment of a single regulator in the industry.

At present, the Spectrum Management Authority and the Broadcasting Commission regulate the telecoms industry.

Dr Jean Dixon, director general in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Information and Telecommunications, said the drafting of a new telecoms bill was set for completion within the next six months.

Drafting started

Addressing Parliament's Public Administration and Appropriations Committee yesterday, Dixon said: "The drafting of the new bill has started. We are not starting from ground zero."

She said a new telecoms policy was number one on the ministry's priority list.

Committee member Ronnie Thwaites said the six-month timeframe for drafting the bill was too long and suggested that work to craft the proposed law be fast-tracked.

Committee chairman Dr Wykeham McNeill agreed with his colleague and suggested that the committee review the status of the draft legislation in October.

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