Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | June 18, 2009
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Thursdaytalk - Hottest topics on the cocktail circuit

Under the radar?

1 With the businessman almost never seen in public, some are asking if they are really the happy twosome, operating just under the radar.

Breaking point

2 Friends say the troubles started before, but they contend the added and new responsibilities have placed more pressure on the marriage. They are worried as they say the wife is almost at the breaking point.

New team

3 Now that he has hired his own in-house PR team, onlookers are asking, will the omnipotent one get her own media team as well?

Married abroad

4 Some say the reception was for the same-sex couple who tied the knot abroad recently.

Swelling and bruises

5 Yet another wife beater is learning the hard way. This one slapped the wife around outside of the home recently and when her brothers got wind of the incident they intervened in the outdoors. The swelling and bruises have subsided, but all bets are that the lesson taught will always be remembered!

Highly placed source

6 Insiders contend the 'source' was a highly placed functionary, but the real motivation for the disinformation was to curry favour and the tangled web will soon be unravelling.

Critical ministry

7 The talk of bringing back the one who left in disgrace to head up something or the other, or to help out in that critical ministry, is being met with less than enthusiastic responses.

Another challenge?

8 The talk is that, if they lose all the expected by-elections, we can all expect another challenge soon. Others say it won't be a challenge but a swansong or political hari-kari.

Social complaints

9 Some on the circuit are complaining bitterly of some others who they say try way too hard to be the centre of attention whenever they are out! The behaviour being complained about includes elbowing others to make every photo opportunity; the loud-cackling sound that is supposed to be a laugh but is really designed to attract attention; and those who are always talking about themselves and their latest trips!

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