Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Outlook
MY DOWN TIME ...Richard Stephenson

Richard Stephenson, founder of the Caribbean Classic Golf Invitational Foundation, is the driving force behind Richard Ivanhoe Stephenson Accounting Receivable Consultants (RISARC).

As the firm's president, Stephenson comes from an illustrious educational and professional background that encompasses over 20 years of health care consulting experience.

He was educated at Cornwall College, the University of the West Indies and The London School of Accountancy, England. Stephenson obtained his Certified Public Accountant licence in 1985.

Stephenson recently hosted the first annual RISARC User-Technology Conference in Montego Bay, Jamaica, donating computers to schools while here. He has always realised his responsibility to his community and is involved in many charitable activities such as the donation of several computers to schools in the island.

Outlook asked this busy corporate executive who was recently in Jamaica, how he unwinds.

Q: What was the last book you read:

A: The Bourne Ultimatum by Robert Ludlum.

Q: What music are you listening to now?

A: Beres Hammond, I love anything by Beres and I am also listening to J Holiday.

Q: Where was the last interesting place you visited?

A: Thailand.

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