Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
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Denise Garfield (left), Noel Smith (centre), and Maxine Hart enjoy each other's company at the Palisadoes Co-op Credit Union family reception to celebrate winning the Credit Union of Year 2008 award, at the Carib Cement Mineral Spa, Rockfort, St Andrew, on Friday, June 5. - Photos by Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

Tony Patel (left), Security Minister Dwight Nelson (centre), and businessman Glen Christian engaged in conversation at the cocktail reception to mark the 25th anniversary of Barbican Hi-Lo Supermarket.

Kerine Brown (left), Stephanie Summers (centre), and Nicole Watson take in all the action at the Hi-Lo Supermarket cocktail reception to mark its 25th anniversary.

Christopher Samuda (left), Wilburn Pottinger and Maxine Wilson are tickled pink over something at the Palisadoes Co-op Credit Union Limited reception in honour of winning the Credit Union of The Year 2008 award.

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