Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Outlook
A fabulous garden reception
Chester Francis-Jackson, Gleaner Writer

Honorary Consul to Barbados, Winston Bayley (right), meets Ukraine Ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev at a reception for the Ukrainian held at Montgomery Road, Stony Hill on Tuesday, June 2. - Photos by Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

On the occasion of the 15th session of the International Seabed Authority, hosted at the headquarters in downtown Kingston, a number of non-resident ambassadors descended upon the nation's capital to represent their countries' positions and interest as the various signatories to the Law of the Sea Treaty.

In between the various meetings, plenary sessions and multi-lateral diplomatic negotiations, there were meetings with the various consuls representing them here to update them on matters of interest and/or developments back in their home states. It was also an occasion for some not only to present their credentials to our head of state and make official calls on various dignitaries, but it was also time for many for a little familiarisation tour of various points and persons of interests, resulting in a really hectic schedule.

Two Tuesdays ago, the honorary consul of the Ukraine in Jamaica, businessman Kenny Benjamin, played host to what proved a most charming reception in honour of his visiting envoy, Yuri Sergeyev, the ambassador and the permanent representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, and his charming wife, Nataliya Sergeyev, as well as a party that included Nikolai Petrenko, Ukrainian businessman from the Ukrainian business centre in Kiev, and his wife, Olena Petrenko.

a taste of Jamaica

Guardsman Group Chairman Kenny Benjamin (left) and International Seabed Authority Secretary General Nii Odunton (centre), listen keenly to Ukraine Ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev at the welcome reception.

It was a taste of Jamaica as the evening got under way to the melodious music of the Peacemakers Mento Band, in the lush and oh so fab host gardens. The host welcomed guests to his home, then presented them to members of the visiting delegation. The unique strain of mento music in the background added a flawlessly Jamaican flavour to the proceedings. The evening was that much more special as it unfolded because the dignitaries in attendance enjoyed the beauty of the gardens as they exchanged pleasantries over cocktails. The Ukrainian community in Jamaica was out in full regalia, as were a number of Russians and other European nationals, and it made for the perfect outing.

Ambassador and Mrs Sergeyev proved faultless guests, working the crowd, meeting and greeting as many of their countrymen and women as they could, even as they greeted and chatted with diplomatic colleagues and members of the consular corps, eagerly and so effortlessly, it made for a study in diplomatic charm. And then, there was the fare, scrumptious beyond a fault, combining the best of the Pakistani, Indian, Jamaican and the continental, along with liberal samplings of cheese and exotic fruits and vegetables!


Dr Badrul Haque (second right), of the World Bank, and wife, Rubina, stop for a photo with Belgian Ambassador Frederic Meurice.

Enjoying the occasion were secretary general of the International Seabed Authority, Ambassador Nii Allotey Odunton; Head of the European Union delegation Ambassador Marco Mazzocchi Alemanni; Russian Ambassador Viktor Zotin; Indian High Commissioner Mohinder Grover; Ambassador Frederic Meurice of the Kingdom of Belgium; Mexican Ambassador Leonora Rueda; Argentinean Ambassador Mario-Jose Pino; Colombian Ambassador Emilio Diaz-Mejia; Trinidad and Tobago's High Commissioner Yvonne Gittens-Joseph; Ambassador of the Dominican Republic Filomena Navarro; Dean of the Consular Corps of Jamaica, William Tavares-Finson; Honorary Consul of Iceland Robert MacMillan and companion, Candy DePass; Honorary Consul of Ecuador Clelia Barreto de Hunter; Honorary Consul of Lithuania Lois Lake Sherwood; Honorary Consul of Barbados, Winston Bayley; head of the World Bank in Jamaica Dr Badrul Haque, and his lovely wife, Rubina.

official welcome

We also spotted head of the Guardsman Group, Valarie Juggan-Brown; attorney Harold Brady; Munair and Adelina Zacca; Rajiv Bakshi and his companion, Dorothea Gordon-Smith; Robert Haughton; EU official, Alex Dropinski and his wife, Dr Saphire Longmore; Dr Derrick Hendricks and wife, Donna, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; Wayne Nasralla and his Ukrainian companion, the lovely Maria Francis; Paul Collister and his Ukranian wife, Natalia Collister; Vance Campbell and his Ukranian wife, the lovely Michelle Campbell; Anna Evans Barboza; Kent Gammon and his Ukranian wife, Olga Gammon; Victoria Chen; Richard and Nadia Brandon; Colin and Olga Lym; Clive Smith and Elena Maras, plus a number of others!

It was the perfect way to officially welcome and say goodbye to the visiting ambassador and his delegation!

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