Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Outlook
Sanguinetti says thanks
Barbara Ellington, Lifestyle Editor

A section of the congregation in attendance at the service of thanksgiving and appreciation for long and outstanding service to St Luke's Church, Sanguinetti, Clarendon, on Sunday, June 7.

Sunday, June 7 was special for seven senior members of the St Luke's Church in Sanguinetti, Clarendon. They had given over 250 years of service to the church and theirs as well as the church family from across the island, as well as representatives from other denominations, gathered in the salubrious climes of the community to mark the moment.

women honoured

The honorees were all women: Daphne Wray, a stalwart school teacher and lay preacher. Pearline Sandford, whose excellent fund-raising skills and ability to recite poems are unparalleled. Averil Lewis, to whom the cleanliness of the church and its environs were of paramount importance. Inez Delores Martin, Sunday school teacher par excellence. Pearlie Freckleton, a faithful choir and women's auxiliary member. Mrs Bethsadia Hamm, a tireless worker in the service of the church, and Hilda Cross, who used her beautiful soprano voice to honour God. Glowing citations were read to the women and they also received plaques.

Choosing the fitting theme of 'Gifts for Service', The Right Revered Harold Daniel, Bishop Suffragan of Mandeville, thanked the women, pointing out every member of a church has a gift that can be used within the church and community for the common good. Among these were faith, leadership, discernment, healing wisdom, interpretation of tongues, healing and mercy. He noted that it was through the various ministries in the church that service was given.

The bishop admonished those who had gifts, but have refused to use them, noting that using them for the Church makes it stronger. "There is a lot to be done, but no one has the time, whereas some want to be seen because of the posts of responsibility they hold. If some people are not on a church committee, they do no work," he said. And to that end, he said, it was fitting that the labours of those who worked hard were appropriately acknowledged.

Highlights of the evening included the poem recited by Ms Pearline Sandford titled, 'Farewell Faithful Friends' and the tribute to Sunday school teacher par excellence, Mrs Martin, by her former students.

Hilda Cross is 92 and has given scores of those years to St Luke's Anglican Church, Sanguinetti, Clarendon. She is hugged by her sons, Hugh (right) and Lebert Cross, following last week Sunday's service in honour of women who had given many years of service to the church.

Mrs Inez Delores Martin (standing in blue), with Mrs Hilda Cross (seated), two of the seven women honoured for long and outstanding service to St Luke's Church, Sanguinetti, Clarendon.

Retired teacher and lay preacher, Mrs Daphne Wray, receives her plaque and citation from The Right Reverend Bishop Harold Daniel at the service.

Mrs Hilda Cross reads the inscription on the plaque she received for long service to St Luke's Church, Sanguinetti, Clarendon, from The Right Reverend Harold Daniel, Bishop Suffragan of Mandeville at the service of thanksgiving and appreciation. - Photos by Barbara Ellington/Lifestyle Editor

A happy Mrs Pearline Sandford is flanked by her husband, Ephel (left); son-in-law, Ian Lawrence (centre); and son, Hugh Sandford, following the service.

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