Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Letters
Threats to CARICOM
The Editor, Sir:

Notwithstanding the laudable objectives of the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME), prejudice among member states has threatened to destabilise it even after its inauguration.

There are divisions among member states with regard to the free movement of goods and services and the free movement of people in possession of CARICOM passports. As a result, the Caribbean Community is experiencing many difficulties and challenges, and at times, many people are wondering whether it will survive.

There should be free movement of goods and services through measures, such as eliminating all barriers to intra-regional movement, and harmonising standards to ensure acceptability of goods and services traded. The Right of Establishment is to permit the establishment of CARICOM-owned businesses in any member state without restrictions; however, there are problems associated with such a declaration or agreement.

weakening currency

The Eastern Caribbean dollar is the official currency of several states in CARICOM - Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It is pegged to the United States (US) at a rate of $2.70; the Jamaican dollar is weakening. In 1994, The Most Developed Countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) announced their intention to join NAFTA. Some time passed after Barbados was said to have urged Jamaica and Trinidad not to join NAFTA, arguing that it would erode the market share of the Less Developed Countries in the Caribbean Community.

In 1997, Caribbean countries had heated exchanges among themselves over the Partnership for Prosperity and Security in the Caribbean ("Shiprider Agreement") with the United States. At present, there is division among some member states with respect to a number of issues. Jamaica - a senior member - is experiencing a number of problems in other states. Is the CARICOM, therefore, beyond survival?

I am, etc.,



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