Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Lead Stories

Stop it, or else! Jamaica warns Caricom trading partners
A TRADE war looms within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as Jamaica's Industry, Investment and Commerce minister, Karl Samuda, has issued an ultimatum to member states he believes have...

LAST LAP: Parties wrap up campaign for North East St Catherine by-election
THE TWO major political parties are oozing confidence as they wrap up their campaigns for Tuesday's by-election in North East St Catherine.

Mother's love helps son overcome obstacles
JENNY FACEY simply cannot speak about her son Roshane without crying."I always have to cry because I remember where I'm coming from with him.

PetroCaribe, a model of cooperation - Golding
Prime Minister Bruce Golding has described the Venezuelan-sponsored PetroCaribe Agreement as a model of cooperation within the region and among developing countries. Speaking at the fifth PetroCaribe Ministerial Council Meeting of Energy Ministers...

Trade transgressions - Samuda puts several CARICOM member states on watch list
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO and Barbados head the list of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states that Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce Karl Samuda has told to watch their step.

Fingerprint breach frees accused burglar of charges
THE TRIAL of 29-year-old Kirk Salmon of Port Royal took an unusual turn last week when Supreme Court Judge Marva McDonald-Bishop stopped the case because of unfairness in the police investigations.The judge directed...

World cautious about Iran's election result
VIENNA (AP): A world wary of Iran's nuclear programme reacted cautiously yesterday to hard-line leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's hotly disputed re-election.

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