Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : In Focus

Obama a Mid-East saviour?
Every where he goes he woos. Journalists are running out of superlatives to describe crowd and other reactions to his finely tuned, highly strategic and touch-all-bases utterances. It has become the Obama trademark.

The law must rule
Three recent contrasting events have captured the state of Jamaica's justice system in a zoom lens and demonstrate the importance for Jamaicans to commit to live by the rule of law and not abandon our freedom, or the pursuit of our rights, in our quest for security.

NE St Catherine election and the Constitution
Sixty-five per cent of the citizens of North East St Catherine believe the country is going in the wrong direction.

Why not protest for higher fuel tax?
A couple of years ago while I was working with colleagues on the energy policy, I became absolutely convinced of the wisdom of increasing the tax on petroleum and placing it in a dedicated road fund.

Letter from India
The heat in Delhi is as oppressive as ever. The asphalt seems to melt with temperatures that reach 45 Celsius. Traffic jams are bad, with much road-work going on as the city gears up for the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

Church angst in the United States
An old German word that describes 'painful anxiety' (angst) seems appropriate as a single word to identify the current realities of the Episcopalian Church (Anglican) in the United States.In this country of 300 million people where...

'Boyne misrepresented my views'
The Editor, Sir: Ian Boyne continues with his vulgar and shameless practice of distorting what is being said on the Caribbean Dialogues online forum.

Accountability and equity in public office
One of the critical ingredients of effective and transformative leadership is accountability. In contexts where employees are not held accountable the organisation perishes.

Abstinence-only message will not work
The following article for the Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network (JYAN) is a response to Esther Tyson's 'Debunking condom myths' published Sunday, June 7.Early sex initiation is not a new fad and children are fully aware of this.

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