Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Commentary

GSAT and meritocracy
Meritocracy is not, and ought not to be made into, a dirty word, which, we are sure, is not the intent of Andrew Holness, the education minister, for whom this newspaper has a fair bit of time.But Mr Holness has to be...

PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Are our children academically inclined?
The buzz words in many of our schools, and especially in the upgraded high schools, are "not academically inclined", meaning that students so identified lack the cognitive ability... - Timothy Bailey

Do not retreat, Minister!
It is not true that we want our political leaders to speak the truth. Dwight Nelson, the new minister of national security, was forced to bow and grovel over his frank - and very true - statement that a serious fight against crime would necessarily involve... - Martin Henry

The need for national unity
There can be no doubt that Jamaica now faces serious economic and social difficulties. There is a massive shortfall in our capacity to earn foreign exchange. At the same time, our import bill continues to gallop way ahead of our export. - Lambert Brown

Energy: Jamaica's Achilles heel
The failure of American policymakers, in the public and private sectors, to chart a long-term sustainable course for their nation's use of energy was dramatically uncovered last year. - Dennis Morrison

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