Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Auto

Local meets REV UP Ja's economy
Jamaica's economy is getting a boost from the spin-off of locally staged motorsport events.

At new Chrysler, problems of old Chrysler linger
DETROIT (AP):Chrysler has been reborn under a new Italian parent, but it can't shake the shadows of its past: It's not selling enough cars, its fleet is tilted to trucks and sport utility vehicles, and help is more than a year away.A 42-day stay in...

The crowd puller
Colin Chapman's Lotus car company created the Elan in 1966. It was a minimalist roadster bereft of any comfort with the singular purpose: to provide the most scintillating driving experience.

Buckle up!
"Seat belts can save your life." That's the advice from Kanute Hare, director of the Road Safety unit of the Ministry of Transport."Belts and straps keep you in position so you can control the car," Hare adds.It has been proven that to ignore the use of...

Chocolate-powered race car
AP: Scientists unveiled recently what they hope will be one of the world's fastest biofuel vehicles, powered by waste from chocolate factories and made partly from plant fibres.Its makers hope the racer will go 145 mph and give manufacturers ideas about...

Lexus still has RX for crossovers
(MCT): The funny-looking Toyota concept Sport Luxury Vehicle bowed at the 1997 Chicago Auto Show as an alternative to the station wagon and minivan.

Execs defend dealership closings
WASHINGTON (AP): General Motors and Chrysler executives defended the closings of hundreds of dealerships Friday as House lawmakers questioned whether the decisions would save any money or help the troubled companies rebound."Many dealers and the...

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