Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Arts &Leisure

Edna Manley College's final-year students unleashed
The highly anticipated Edna Manley College's 2009 School of Visual Arts (SVA) Final-Year Exhibition opened on Saturday, June 6, at the College's amphitheatre. The annual ceremony enjoyed the usual dedicated patronage as the show is known for its creative appeal and powerful social commentary.

Going shopping with Mama
On Saturdays Mama goes to Brown's Town to buy groceries. She usually goes alone and leaves us at home. Each Saturday, she delivers the usual warning:

Returning to the Riviera
What better place to begin a vacation than in Monte Carlo! And what better hotel than the Hermitage, on Square Beaumarchais, a block from the Casino de Paris.

Book Review: Hauntingly poignant, but instructive
If you don't have HIV/AIDS, and are rather nonchalant about acquiring it, then Hope's Hospice, with its sublime, but powerful messages, conceived and crafted by Kwame Dawes, will jolt you from your slumber and spur you to think, to act. Without being preachy...

The UWI notebook
University of the West Indies (UWI) researchers develop plan to fight absenteeism in primary schools.Absenteeism is a major contributor to low performance levels in primary schools.

Girl talk with Bunny, Lori and Max
Coincidentally, the three of us were born under the sign of Capricorn; Max's birthday is in December and Lori and I were born in January. I don't accept as true all this mumbo-jumbo about birth signs having anything to do with how people behave...

SUNDAY SAUCE: The other side of failure
Ucal Grey was so afraid of his grade-six teacher, he couldn't even look her in the eyes. Yet, he was hyperactive and very talkative. When he was inattentive and lost in his own little world at the back of the class, Mrs Jones would creep up on him and clunk him on his head with a broad wood ruler.

'The Book of Night Women' Different perspective of women
At the beginning of the fourth segment of Monday evening's extensive reading (without revealing too much of the entire book) at Bookophilia from his secondpublished novel, The Book of Night Women...

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