Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | May 14, 2009
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Prized raid

1. When the police swooped down on the upper St Andrew neighbourhood the other day, some folks were a little put out to see such a show of force in their prized neighbourhood. They were, however, gratified to know the raid was at the home of the one who lives very well, but has no visible sign of support or income!

Changing prices

2. After shopping in a number of leading supermarkets and seeing several cases where new prices were stuck over old prices on old stock, some are now asking if this is not a case for the Fair Trading Commission.

No promotion

3. They say there was some kind of a deal where the president went unchal-lenged last time around, with the clear understanding that he would not seek re-election this time around! Things and times have changed, so no elevation for the deputy!

What a pickle!

4. It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience, the convenience being it was the quickest way to get a Green Card. Well, that was many, many, years ago. Since then, there has been another marriage, children and the business has grown consi-derably. There's one little itsy-bitsy problem now, however, the marriage of convenience was never annulled, nor was there a divorce. Now the first wife is threatening to sue or go public. There is also the threat of bigamy charges. Negotiations continue, but what a pickle!

Unhappy camper

5. When the Jamaican girlfriend got pregnant, the parents packed him up and shipped him off. When he returned, he had a suitable bride! After a few years, the arrangement fell apart and she returned home. Now the friends and relatives of the girlfriend who was ditched can't stop laughing. And they do so whenever they see him in public. Needless to say, he is one very unhappy camper.

Parson's flock

6. Some have been saying it's a case of parson admonishing his flock to: 'Do as I say and not as I do'.

Quick cash

7. Seems the 'Little Birdies' continue to sing. The chorus is a virtual who's who of the society! Seems like no sector was above the lure of the quick cash!

Corruption talk

8. Some say corruption flourishes in some public sector entities, denying the official coffers of much-needed revenue. They are asking: when will the Government apply the means to flush out corrupt officials and bring them to book?

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