Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | May 13, 2009
Home : Letters
Lease UTech Trelawny stadium
The Editor, Sir:

As someone who has been somewhat involved in sport and recently with the Sport Development Foundation, I am compelled to write this letter and direct its contents to the minister of culture, youth and sports and the prime minister and hope that Professor Errol Morrison will take this baton and build on it.

The complex in Trewlany is, to say the least, a drag on the already burdened finances of the Government. Lease the facility to the University of Technology and let them deal with any other sporting or similar organisation which may want to become part of the facility. This issue has been going on too long and a decision needs to be taken now. Typical foot-dragging tactics should not be the stance of Bruce Golding's Cabinet and there are much more serious matters facing them at this time.

Come on, Minister Grange, get on with it!

I am, etc.,

Arthur Ziadie


Calgary, Canada

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