Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | May 13, 2009
Home : Letters
LETTER OF THE DAY - Kudos, Mr Holness


The Editor, Sir:

Much respect to Minister of Education Andrew Holness. He speaks of a school system that must become more relevant to the youth. I say the school system is the foundation of the productivity of a nation. So, the Jamaican school system must become more relevant for the youths and the production needs of the country. Many of these 'male youths' are leaving the education system functionally illiterate and without a skill.

When I was in primary school in Jamaica, we were required as boys to learn a skill, even if we intended to go into the 'academic' high school system. I learnt skills in farming, carpentry and plumbing. Today, even though with a job in senior management at an international finance corporation in Canada, with several degrees and certifications, I still do use these skills to do chores around my house, thereby saving thousands of dollars.

If I had to, I can use those skills to earn a living today. That all started at primary school in Jamaica. So, why can't we return to those days when we taught and encouraged males and females to acquire skills to enable them to be productive citizens. It would give them a chance to be self-employable or to be employers. There is never any shortage of labour, just shortage of skilled labour. We need to seriously focus on the basic and primary school programmes.

It's time for the ministries of labour, education and national security to work together to implement concrete solutions. The solutions are right there. You do not need a foreign consultant or the World Bank to provide the solutions. Crime is the number one problem in Jamaica. If that problem is not solved, all other achievements will be erased. Solve crime and corruption and you will see investment, export earnings, employment and gross domestic product grow, making a happier self-sustaining Jamaica. It can be done. We are wasting precious time and the clock is ticking!

I am, etc.,

Lennox Parkins


Toronto, Canada

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