Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | May 10, 2009
Home : Outlook
Golden milestone
George Henry, Gleaner Writer

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bolton dancing at their recent golden anniversary celebration in Mandeville, Manchester- photos by George Henry

To be married for 50 years is a proud achievement and that was the case in the life of Linnette and Irvin Bolton of Silent Hill in Clarendon recently. To mark their golden anniversary, the couple's 11 children, family members and special friends, fêted them at the International Chinese Restaurant in Mandeville, Manchester.

Toasts were abundant for the smiling couple, Linnette, now 69, and Irvin, aged 88, were 19 and 38, respectively, on April 15, 1959, their wedding day. Guests listened attentively for information about the couple's married life and to see how it could enhance the lives of other married couples present.

scrumptious meal

Following the opening prayer by son of the couple, Jermaine, emcee Everod Harriott's opening remarks and the blessing of the food, the couple and their guests were served a scrumptious meal, accompanied by an interlude of music by keyboard player, Edward Reid.

Harriott in his remarks, noted that the couple had been role models for others to emulate. Mrs Karen Harriott-Wilson, in her toast to Mrs Bolton said she felt blessed sharing in the couple's happy moment. She wished them at least another 50 years of togetherness.

Marlon, son of the celebrants, toasted them in song and Calvin Lyn, of Lyn's Funeral Home who has known the Boltons for over 40 years, said Irvin affectionately called 'Phantom', had always been a hardworking man who brought up his 11 children well.

"Mr Bolton's children are now making significant contribution to the society, after benefiting from his hard work as a farmer in Silent Hill," said Lyn.

The anniversary cake was particularly significant because 50 years ago, on their wedding day, the feast consisted of a loaf of bread, a tin of corned beef and some Kool Aid.

Mrs Bolton, who spoke on behalf of her elderly husband, said she thanked God for allowing them to see the important milestone.

Linnette and Irvin Bolton cut their anniversary cake. - photos by George Henry

Businessman Calvin and wife, Sylvia Lyn, share in the celebration.

Karen Harriott-Wilson (right); son, A.J. Wilson (centre); and husband, Anthony enjoy the happy occasion.

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