For more than 15 years now, fat people have been the centre of much ridicule. This is true from the high hills of Hollywood to the plains of Australia and now the green hills of Jamaica, as portrayed in the movies and bar jokes, e.g. "Your Mama is sooo fat", to the well-loved comedies of our favourite Jamaican writers. It is a pity that the strong Jamaican woman has been looked down on as sick, obese and lazy due to the glorious pounds that she carries.
But this was not always so. Let us look back at the centuries beyond the 16th, when Michelangelo and all those famous painters and writers scribbled on paper. One was sure to see a buxom woman with the strength and courage to charm her man and bear any number of children with pride and joy.
modelling industry
What has gone wrong? This is no blame game, but the modelling industry, health enthusiasts, movie mavericks and wishful thinkers have painted another picture the perfect woman as tall, svelte, lanky, bones protruding in all angles - as the icon.
Thank God for persons like Claudette Pious, Miss Kitty-Fluffy, and all others who have saved the day. They have shown that one can be fat, active, healthy and productive. The talk on the streets now is about the fluffy, attractive girls. So, who's that?
A fluffy girl is one who is fat - yes fat - healthy, ambitious, proud and loving that. Thank God, fat is back!
I am, etc.,
Royal Flat
Mandeville, Manchester