Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | May 10, 2009
Home : Letters
All talk, no action
The Editor, Sir:

'Nuh mug nuh bruk, nuh coffee nuh dash weh.' Many people in today's society seem to have forgotten proverbs like this and 'don't make a mountain out of a mole hill'. In layman's terms, these proverbs mean that rather than focusing on the minor issues, one should focus on the major details which, if neglected, are likely to have devastating effects on those that they affect, both directly and indirectly.

I am not saying that one should ignore minute problems, because these could escalate into major problems. However, rather than digging for needles in a haystack to find proof to substantiate speculations about minute details, one should place more emphasis on the pressing issues that are fact, not fiction, and are blatantly obvious.

Many leaders of this country who claim to 'talk the talk', either cannot or refuse to 'walk the walk'. They are all talk and no action. I have grown weary of hearing 'talks' about protecting Jamaica's children, but I am yet to see these 'talks' materialise. Carnal abuse is rapidly increasing, despite numerous 'initiatives' that have been devised to curtail the incidences of carnal abuse. Who is the law protecting - the accused or the victim?

misguided young girls

Individuals in many sectors of society ostracise and chastise young girls who have been abused, treating them as if they are the accused, rather than the abused. Yes, I am aware that there are some misguided young girls with warped minds who feel compelled to seek companionship and sexual gratification from men old enough to be their fathers or even grandfathers; however, there are many men who prey on young girls. Their guiding philosophy seems to be 'the younger, the better'. 'Robbing the cradle' has assumed a new, literal and frightening meaning.

One might ask where the mothers of some of these young girls are. Simple: 'making a mountain out of a mole hill'. Some of them form a section of society that searches 'for needles in a haystack,' but neglect to see the obvious. They neglect their daughter's desperate cry for help to be rescued from abuse. They fail to understand why their daughter is afraid to be alone with an uncle, or why their daughter cries when she is left alone with her father or stepfather, or has unexplained bruises on parts of her body.

Some parents swear to cut off any daughters of theirs who is homosexual, but are not so passionate about her lowering her standard with Tom, Dick and Harry. I won't even elaborate on the mothers who wash their son's bloody shirts after his killings.

Some of these mothers are the same ones who go to great trouble to ascertain if rumours of a neighbour being a homosexual are true. They are the ones who rush to berate persons, whose only crime is loving another human being, respecting another human being and caring for another human being. Why do they think they have the right to rebuke those who love? Biblical reasons? "Judge not, lest ye be judged; for with what judgement ye give, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye meet, it shall be measured to you again; Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone."

I am, etc.,



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